
Quench and Dilution Steam System

AQUAMAX™ technology from Nalco Water is widely recognized for mitigating emulsion, fouling, foaming and corrosion from the quench water tower to the dilution steam generators. Nalco Water has been the leader in innovative treatment programs including our cost-effective, sodium-free corrosion control program for dilution steam systems operating with low corrosion severity. We also offer unique, differentiated programs for fouling, emulsion and foaming control.

Managing quench and dilution steam systems can be challenging. The system frequently encounters a wide array of potential issues such as fouling, emulsions, foaming and corrosion, and all of these process challenges are interrelated. Our comprehensive approach results in a complete treatment solution to protect the entire system for our customers. Our program includes:

  • Unique Chemistry
    Be it corrosion inhibitors, emulsion breakers or antifoulants, Nalco Water offers industry-leading, innovative and patented technologies for comprehensive management of the quench and dilution steam systems. Our extensive AQUAMAX™ product line ensures best-fit solutions to your unique process challenges.
  • State-of-the-Art Monitoring and Automation Technology
    The Nalco Water unique 3D TRASAR™ Technology for Dilution Steam Systems works with AQUAMAX™, providing a best-in-class monitoring and automation tool for dilution steam system treatment.
  • Industry Benchmarking and Best Practice Gap Analysis
    For 30 years, Nalco Water has both treated and surveyed dilution steam systems worldwide in order to benchmark ethylene producers’ key performance indicators (KPIs) against their respective regions and the world. These KPI benchmarks are a key component of our Best Practice Gap Analysis (BPGA) work process, in which we audit systems and benchmark design and operation against industry-proven best practices.

Customer Success Stories

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Aquamax Technology

Record DSG Run Lengths

See how the AQUAMAX™ technology quadrupled dilution steam generator run length for a major ethylene producer.

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Nalco Champion 3DT for Dilution Steam

State-Of-The-Art Automation Technology

3D TRASAR™ Technology for Dilution Steam Systems reveals significant results for a Gulf Coast ethylene unit.

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downstream, PRS, refinery, chemical, plant, Global Chemical

Millions Saved Annually

AQUAMAX™ program results in annual savings of $4.6 million for ethylene plant.

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Downstream, DS, Global Chemical

Unique Chemistry

New Nalco Water chemical mitigates quench water system fouling in ethylene plant.

Technical Articles

Cause and Effect for Hydrocarbon Engineering

Cause and Effect

This joint article, published in Hydrocarbon Engineering, investigates the relationship between fouling and phase integrity in dilution systems.

Programs, Products, Equipment and Services

Explore our Dilution Steam System Offerings