Common Types of Mosquitoes
More than 3,000 species of mosquitoes inhabit the Earth, with about 176 of these species are found in North America. The most common mosquitoes in the U.S. are those of the Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles genera. Each has its own unique characteristic, and each has the potential to transmit various diseases.

Culex Mosquitoes
Typically bite at night both indoors and outdoors; they prefer avian hosts, but will bite humans.
Transmit diseases such as: West Nile Virus, Western/Eastern Equine Encephalitis.Lay eggs in rafts on the water surface of polluted freshwater sites and artificial containers.
Distribution: All parts of the U.S.
Anopheles Mosquitoes
Bite indoors and outdoors between dusk and dawn and prefer human and mammal hosts.
Transmit diseases such as: Malaria.
Lay eggs with floats on the surface of natural, vegetated water bodies (e.g., ponds, marshes, swamps).
Distribution: Eastern and Western U.S.
Aedes Mosquitoes
Unlike the “typical” mosquito of the U.S., they are active day biters and humans are their preferred hosts.
Transmit diseases such as: Zika, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever, Dengue.
Lay eggs singly on or near the surface of temporary water sources (e.g., used tires, flower pots, pools, roof tanks).
Distribution: Across the East Coast, Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and Southern U.S.
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Pest Spotlight: Mosquitoes